Sunday May 5th 2024

Miracle Blood – “This Message Contains No Content”


Miracle Blood – “This Message Contains No Content”


I recently saw Miracle Blood perform for the first time- at the Midway, of course.

And what struck me first about them was how this band walked a perilous tightrope between many genres, sort of like a soldier walking through a field that is suspected of having land mines.

But in this case, instead of them trying to not be blown to bits, this band seems to not want to be constrained into any style, almost in a life or death manner.

And when I saw no severed limbs or faces disfigured beyond recognition within the band- I had to conclude that they’ve successfully dodged any and all explosive devices.

That is if we disregard their music, which is designed to blast your ears off of the sides of your head, then proceed to suck your brains out and rearrange them, and- Finally, devour all your previous musical preconceptions while then regurgitating them all back into your soul.

You know, like how mother birds regurgitate worms into the waiting mouths of their babies.

Well, my baby birds!- I don’t know what you’ve been expecting for dinner, but my ears have been famished, salivating, waiting for a band like Miracle Blood to quench my insatiable appetite while causing me to hunger for more.

So let me bring up a few words about their music from the depths of my soul, or at least from the lining of my stomach to describe them:

“This Message Contains No Content” begins with a dissonant guitar line that bounces insane notes back and forth, like crazy ping pongs being paddled across a table. Soon a pleading, bleating vocal comes in to match the ping pongs in intensity and insanity only to have them both leap into another dimension/key change.

This disconcerting mood is broken up by four piercing screams each followed up with a moment of silence.

Eventually, the vocals take the elevator up to the top floor to join the hysteria and pain the dancing, ping pong guitar line denotes.

Halfway through a discordant part arrives followed by a fast, flurry of furious musical figures that erupt into some loud bellows.

This song has so many elements, so many parts that all work together great and sounds totally original. I would say it sounds as if King Crimson became a power violence band but then, I guess, that would be silly.

With a bunch of clanging, industrial guitar chords “Bullhorn” is off and running after a short scream. The emotional vocals set a mood that suggests goth or maybe, black metal. A guitar abrasively glides against the vocals as the rhythm section moves along like a fast, galloping horse.

After a stuttering part in the middle, that resembles a needle stuck on a vinyl album, a trilling guitar lick brings this tune to a dramatic, exciting finish. Great tune.

“Water On Your Brain” starts with a mellow, arpeggiated guitar that is dark and murky and drenched in effects and echo. Vocals then descend upon the song only backed by the strum of the slightly sinister guitar.

“But if I can’t remember you’ll forgive me anyway. Let it trickle down like water on your brain.”

This song moves along nicely into a quiet, Nirvana-like way until the scream comes in once again. Then all controls are shifted, we’re thrust into a swirling vortex of restrained but bashing rhythms along with insistent guitars while vocals shriek into the abyss.

What began as a peaceful walk along a river turns into a nightmarish, midnight carousel ride in an evil amusement park.

While I get in line for another ride!

Miracle Blood seems to take inspiration from a wide array of sources but never seems derivative or too reverent in their tastes.

They’re like a prog rock band gone insane, a punk band who forgot to read the rules, an alternative rock band that didn’t allow itself to be wedged passively between hard rock and punk or turn themselves into that mushy custard concoction called indi.

So who or what is Miracle Blood?

How about a prog/punk/grindcore/alternative/power violence band?

Yeah, that makes no sense to me either.

How about this? A band that takes all the influences from those genres, disregarding all the conventions of them while arriving at a style, that not only can they call it their own, but that is excellent as it is original?

So if you ask me? I guess I really don’t know what this band is about after all.

So don’t look to me for any answers, except-

Miracle Blood is what you need to flow through your veins. (And your ears).


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