Thursday May 16th 2024

The Car Bomb Parade – “Opiate For The Madness”


The Car Bomb Parade – “Opiate For The Madness”


This year I’ve been reviewing an inordinate amount of music from bands from New York. And a lot of music from there, as well.

So far I’ve reviewed New York bands’ Live Ones, RBNX and Alouth- all were stupendously superlative. Plus, they were all really good.

And all three bands have styles that are different from each other. Which, of course, aided me as one who has a definite disadvantage being unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality. Also, it helped me figure out what band I was writing about.

And now, lo and behold, I have another New York band’s music in my grubby mitts pressed against my unclean ears- the only one of the four who I’ve seen and reviewed before, perhaps in a previous life- The Car Bomb Parade who have a different aesthetic concept from the others, plus a different style, too!

They describe themselves as hardcore/punk/thrash and that’s true, I can hear the thrash part especially in some of the guitar licks. But what I really hear is they seem to be pulled toward The Cro-Mags heavy, hardcore style while also, at the same time, being pulled towards the original punk/hardcore style.

And why not? As both the heavy hardcore style and the original punk were both started in New York.

But because of this it gives them a uniqueness. And though there’s nothing radical or odd about their style, I still feel there’s no other band that I write about that sounds at all like them.

And more importantly, I find this style to be of an unparalleled caliber. And also, I think they sound excellent!

Let’s see if you concur:

After a quick, profane sound sample, “The Car Bomb Parade” attacks with a great, hard driving riff that rips the frown from my face and tosses it, along with the other debris, into the gutter and replaces it with a smiling, nodding, knowing grin. After some hyperactive drum rolls enshrouded with power chords the chorus is sung over another amazing riff. Not much more to this song and not much more you could ask for. Simply, a great, simply, perfect tune.

This is not the great song by Boston’s Opposition Rising but it does share the same title, “Fuck The World.” With an energetic, tribal beat and venomous, hardcore vocals this song suggests as if Adam & The Ants had been a hardcore band. There’s a great, melodic chorus- a neat, ringing guitar- elements of Oi and glam coexist peacefully and rambunctiously within the punk and hardcore sounds. And the outcome is they produce one amazing song! So yeah! FUCK THE WORLD when songs exist this great, exist alongside it. Amazing production on this song as it is on all of the album- my favorite tune upon it.

“Fatal Run” starts peacefully enough, with some groovy eight note bass lines. But once the song kicks in the vocals are wonderfully, intense and expressive as the rhythm section erupts ferociously in flames. “Razorblade in my hand, don’t play fucking dumb.” This song exists either brewing in intensity or flying off the handles in hardcore glee. “My life is headed towards the fatal run.” There’s a great, spoken word part explaining the allure of punk- “They don’t understand what this means to us. They don’t understand why this is so important to us. They don’t understand who we are. And they don’t understand punk rock.” All true- and true I don’t understand most things in life, but holding onto it is of the utmost priority, and I do understand how great this song, truly is.

With a terrific, melodic guitar intro- one that wouldn’t be out of place on a Bachman-Turner Overdrive song (and I say that as a compliment.) This song. “Half Mast White Flags” has a pressing, pushing, rockin’ beat. And within it refers to my favorite hardcore band of all time with, “We are all just minor threats.” The vocals are as great as the guitar and as the kick ass rhythm section. But tell me- Why, oh why, are there no hardcore versions of BTO songs?

“Even if you fight, you will never win. This is what it’s like to be a human being.” “The Americanist” has a propulsive, thrash beat that sounds like a racehorse shot up with methamphetamine. A throwback guitar splays great, psychedelic blues licks over the proceeding which consists of intense, hardcore vocals. A cool, spoken word part arises in the midst of it all. “America’s not a place to live in. It’s a video game that you survive…I survive America in spite of what it wants for people like me.” This song ends this great album with a guttural scream (and some patriotic, idiotic singing.)

At one time there were only two places in the world that had a punk scene.

Long before the Washington D.C. scene happened, shortly before the L.A. and Cleveland scenes sprouted up. There was only New York and Boston.

I know, I was in the Boston scene at that time.

So the blame falls fully on our shoulders- of the New York and Boston folks.

And though our scenes ebb and flow, and though many great bands came out of the London and California scenes, I believe the East Coast punk and hardcore bands have a lot to be proud of.

As I am.

My favorite scene is the very early New York scene but I also love, the current East Coast bands I write about. I think the current time is very special, as well.

And The Car Bomb Parade are one of those bands.

This album is the result of a band showing great potential earlier, and realizing it at one point. And the evidence is what exits on this album.

But then again they’re probably Yankee fans.


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