Friday May 17th 2024

The Prozacs / Marko & The Bruisers – “Massa Fuckin’ chusetts”


The Prozacs / Marko & The Bruisers – “Massa Fuckin’ chusetts”


Sometimes punk happens in the strangest of places.

I guess, punk was originally an urban experience. The hot beds being (Does anyone even know what that term means anymore? LOL) Okay, how about – “the most hits per post” places? And in 1977 that would be New York and Boston, London and nowhere else.

Yes, Boston was one of the very first punk scenes in the world. And I was there, in Boston- disregard anyone who tries to tell you Cleveland or Washington D.C. or anything different, they’re misinformed.

But, of course, punk has grown and spread- like the plague, like a deadly virus, like a severe case of unsightly warts! Tee, hee hee.

Some may be surprised that there’s a vibrant punk scene in Maine or even in Western Mass.

I’m not.

‘Cause these are two great punk bands that come from past Worcester way. And they may be the best out there, at least they are to me. And they’ve teamed up to produce a record to destroy the music industry.

Oh, my mistake! That’s already been destroyed- glad that punk outlived it!

The Prozacs I’ve described before as melodic punk with music that is- “Honest, truthful, energetic, desirous, aggressive, passionate, emphatic and wild and anything else that conveys what is positive and open, joyfully strong and true,” and they have a previous, perfect song called, “Travel The Universe,” that makes me cry each time I listen to it.

And Marko & The Bruisers I’ve described as, “Listening to their songs makes me think of everyone from The Stooges, Modern Lovers to early punk…what’s sustaining on impact is…the rawness and realness comes blaring through.”

And surprise my eyes, poke them out and die, this release by both of them comes barreling through, majestically-it’s like jam and jelly, rock’n’roll, Jameson and beer…I’ll be quiet, now.

The Prozacs, “The Ripper,” blasts out with an early punk energy and a short, perfect Buzzcocks like guitar lick. This is a song directed towards Jack. No, not the giant from the beanstalk or writer Jack Kerouac but Jack The Ripper! “Hey, Jack. Jack The Ripper, what you did was so fucked up. Why’d you kill them in the gutter and all torn up- You Suck!” This song propels along with punk exuberance and excellent back up vocals, backing up. This tune is a perfect, melodic skate punk ditty and if you think that’s anything simple? Well, like Jack…Jack is ready on stand by to jack you up! Great, fun, funny, fantastic song- one of the best songs I’ve heard this year.

“Outta My Face,” by The Prozacs is a in your face song where the music comes crashing in along with the persistent, petulant vocals. Though not in a hardcore, barking way but in a way that’s aggressive and melodic. Then the vocals switch to another voice, one that has an almost Oi like tone. Soon we’re thrust back towards the great beginning, which is kind of like a Ramones type lyrics mixed with Generation X like rhythms. “Get outta my face, stop bringing me down,” is the repeated mantra, but this song doesn’t make me feel low, in fact, it makes me feel like I’m walking on air. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.

After a mellow, but great, guitar intro, Marko & The Bruisers, “We Gotta” explodes with a bunch of slashing, cut-time rhythms and blasting, blistering, buzzsaw guitars. The vocals are strong but understated as the energy moves along in a skate punk rushing way. A buzzing, mosquito like guitar leads moves in effectively with bending double notes, while the background vocals respond roundly and respectively. Then this excellent song, punks and rocks out to a fine, fuckin’ finish.

“Don’t believe in what they say, don’t believe in what they do,” are some of the lyrics that Marko & The Bruisers, “Bright Lights,” contain. But I do believe in a song that questions authority and delivers it in an urgent, bursting expectant way. Plus, it rocks hard, strong and real. Another excellent guitar solo comes soaring in, along with a vibe that suggest Dinosaur Jr. at their best. My favorite part is when the song rhythm pauses and the guitar ricochet’s off the song and crashes into another planet.

The spark of life is within this EP.

It’s like when you click that device that lights the unlit grill on your stove.

It’s dormant and then, with a flick of a finger- it ignites!

And you may think- what does this have to do with music?

And I’d say- Well, what is considered punk has little to do with music, but more so to do with attitude, philosophy, energy and excitement. Realness and rawness, pure art and pure truth.

And there may be others who will tell you, you’ll find that in religion. Others who may tell you, it’s there in their political beliefs. Others who tell you that it’s in living a life that works for them, but in reality, it’s the worst choice you could ever make for you.

But I know where it really is.

You don’t have to look far.

It’s right here.


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