Sunday May 5th 2024

The Martians / Reaver / Injury / The Lion’s Share


The Martians / Reaver / Injury / The Lion’s Share
Midway Cafe, Jamaica Plain, MA          10/9/16


I walk into the Midway and the festivities have all ready commenced. I can tell because my bowels are shaking along with the floorboards and my heart’s pacemaker just kicked up a notch into overdrive.

But no worries, I’m hearing The Lion’s Share onstage for the first time and they sound very good. This is some energetic pop/punk ram-a-lama with loud guitars, gritty vocals and slammin’ drums.

And talk about drums; I notice that London from The Martians is playing them- pounding, powerfully, purposely away and that one of the guitar players is Chris, the drummer from Mickey Rickshaw.

Don’t know the other guys but I do know- that if this is an omen for how the rest of the show will be, then it’s gonna be a really good one. They mention that one song is called “Born To Lose” and though it’s not the Johnny Thunders classic it’s still, a pretty good one at that.

Bottom line: The Lion’s Share plays some good punk rock, very well, along with some very good songwriting.

Injury is the next band, a band I have seen before and really liked. They describe themselves as skate punk, which isn’t too far off the mark. I’ve described them as punk rock with a surf influence which they’ve admitted to. (You see, the guitar player likes to use his whammy bar, bending chords when he sustains them, giving them a surf-y twang.)

But today I’m noticing how much Injury mix different styles in the same song. Like throwing a few doom-y metal chords into the middle of a punk rock song. One song is a pure hardcore  but it ends with three, ringing doom/metal chords.

I do see some metal touches that I hadn’t noticed before, and they play one of my favorite songs by them, “Where The Boys Are,” which has a surf beat and whose title refers to the song by Annette Funicello (Who?) and the sixties movie of the same name.

They play a fun, lively set and appear to be a band not afraid to keep you guessing, but in one category I know, I don’t need too guess- that this is one great, fun punk band.

But now all that will change.

As a (gasp) metal band approaches the stage.

Before they play, though I argue, excessively, with Dylan, the new Midway soundman/doorman, about how I paid my eight bucks for a “punk” show and demanding two dollars back for being subjected to this. He, respectively, reminds me of my heart condition and offers me some chamomile tea (which does seem to soothe my nerves.) I mop my brow, wipe the spittle that has started to form around the corners of my chin and settle down, considerably.

But then, I’m out of my seat almost immediately, ’cause this band Reaver sounds very good!

They describe themselves as groove metal and discussing this with Dylan, I admit, that I forget the definition of the term. Though I feared it had something to do with psychedelic, groovy hippies, which has always been a bad trip for me, man- in fact, “groove” refers to metal that rhythmically settles into a groove and is a bit more traditional in form.

These guys have great songs, a great singer who is like a cross between Rob Zombie and the guy from The Cult and they just bring a nice rockin’, groovin’ metal vibe to the room.

And what really blows my mind, man, is that both their guitarist and bassist play lefty! I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lefty band in my life (ambidextrous lefty here, so…Left on, man!) Anyways, they play a far out set, so much so, that when they end I’m offering to pay more to Dylan instead.

Now, it’s time for The Martians to land.

And soon, I will demand all my money back…with Restitution!

Actually, just before they start to play, Hoodoo their guitarist says, “And now it’s time for the worst band on the bill today, to play.” Which I can’t agree with because, not only are The Martians one of my favorite bands on Earth, they are, in fact, one of my favorite bands in our solar system!

They come blaring out with their touching, love song “Tonight I’m Gonna Strangle You,” (tonight your face is turning blue.) Then seque into “We’re Not Alone” with it’s soaring, melodic vocals and out of space theme, like a lot of material off their new album “First Encounter.” (Which is reviewed here on TNB and on-line now.)

Me, I’m a more down-to-earth, serious, type of guy- so when they tare into my favorite tune by them, “Danny Sucks,” which is so perfectly funny and great, it just makes me want to never hear any other song ever again.

But play, they must and play they do and yes, my mind is made of play-dough.

Their lead singer/songwriter Calzone Capone also play bass, and I notice a lot of their songs has bass interludes, but I also notice how well rhythm guitar player Ryan compliments Hoodoo’s great, simple melodic lead lines as London bashes away in the back like a hyperactive demon with glee.

They play a cover of Elvis Presley’s “Wiseman (Only Fools Rush In)” that recalls to me, great covers done by The Dickies and The Lemonheads.

This is the best set I’ve ever seen them play. Also, one of the best sets I’ve seen in our galaxy this year.

They end with the song they end every set with now, “I Don’t Wanna Party,” done at hyper-speed that brings a great ending to a great show.

Afterwards, they invite me to their party. Perhaps, on one of the rings of Saturn, or maybe on one of the moons of Jupiter- or more likely, in North Reading.

I decline, I explain, “Thanks, but I gotta stay alive to write the review.”

Truth be, if they hung with me, they’d be droppin’ like flies.


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