Thursday May 2nd 2024

The Martians / The Runouts / Blame Shifters / Nymphidels


The Martians / The Runouts / Blame Shifters / Nymphidels
Midway Cafe, Jamaica Plain, MA          5/27/17


The Nymphidels is a band that consists of a female singer/guitarist and a male drummer.

Good news: the singer sings great and melodically and the drummer fills it up nicely, to make up for the lack of bass and other instruments.

Bad news: They don’t play the type of music we cover. But just because they’re not my style, does not change that they play their style quite well. And because I don’t listen to other types of music much (I really don’t have time with doing TNB), I couldn’t really say what their style is.

They simply call themselves “original rock”, I call myself “drunk punk writer” or more precisely, “embittered old man,” the later, not so much that it fits me, but just that it makes me seem more, bad ass.

But this band is as bad ass as they want to be, without my permission.

Now, Blame Shifters knock me for a loop ’cause they describe themselves as a punk/hardcore band. And they do come roaring out with aggression and energy right from the start.

But they play a bit better than most punk bands and they don’t have the metal leanings that the more proficient punk/hardcore bands have, that is so prevalent today, that to me sounds more like metal music with hardcore vocals and lyrics.

This band has a real arty side to them but I mean that in a good way, a bit of dissonance and noise, and melodic vocals instead of harsh hardcore or death metal ones.

And I’m hearing bits that remind me of XTC, Gang Of Four, Pixies- so I’m a bit surprised at their allegiance to punk and hardcore.

But either way they play a high energy, hard hitting, creative set and I enjoy them.

Let me describe them as a punk band with a creative edge to them, and that, to me, is a very good thing.

Next up is The Runouts a band that I’m actually familiar with, enjoying their hoe-down, country rock jamboree music at free hippie festivals, many times before.

I’m sorry, that was a typo, forty-seven of them- For a moment I thought I was writing the liner notes for the new Hot Tuna album, and if you don’t know who that is, just be thankful.

Actually, The Runouts play straight ahead, high energy punk and today’s set is no different- starting out with a rolling drum beat and then plowing, enthusiastically, through three songs without catching a breathe.

They play a great, fun set and dedicate one of their best tunes, “Eraser,” to Nick and Rachael in the crowd. (Nick is from Fast Times/ Crimespree and Rachael is a non-punk who, somehow, embodies the spirit, exuberance and wildness of punk in her tiny being.)

Just as I’m reflecting on how this band has always seemed to have an early British Isles influence, especially, Stiff Little Fingers to me- they pull out a cover of “Substitute” by The Who, which they do a great job of with perfect harmonies.

I guess The Who is a proto-punk band from the English side- I would put The Faces, The Stones and Mott The Hoople along side them. And many glam bands as well.

Anyways, great set lads! Cheers!

This brings up The Martians, the band from another planet, that play far out spacey songs that signify they exist on another planet or consciousness, or perhaps- they’re just high!

All I’ll divulge, is that I’ve always spoken highly (or drunkenly) of their well-crafted, well written, melodic punk songs with driving punk rhythms and hook-y, chiming Buzzcock like guitar lines.

I’ll go with them sounding like if The Ramones and The Buzzcocks formed a super group- perhaps known as The Ramcocks and…I’ll leave it at that.

First song they play is from their new video, “She’s Over Me,” which was featured by Andy Bang on last week’s Video of the Week- using a theme not unknown to them, of a broken affair leaving the writer of the song heartbroken.

“It would be cool if we could pretend, that you never moved on and got yourself a new boyfriend.” And…

“She hates me, I love her,” is such a simple line, but fully encapsulates the feelings of many relationships that reach that point.

Sometimes seeing The Martians play on our planet, you can tell that they’ve been hit with considerable jet lag. Understandable, with the many of millions miles they travel. But today they all seem to have all jet streams operating at top levels.

New guitarist, Chris, sings and debuts his first song for the band, “My Girlfriend Is A Metal Head,” about how he’s a punk and she’s a headbanger (and, most likely, inflatable as well.) But it’s very Ramones like, has a cool modulation and is a very good song.

Singer Tyler Steven notes after the song, “It’s our only good song!” But it does deserve to hang proudly with the others.

They end with a medley of “Tonight I’m Gonna Strangle You” and “We’re Not Alone.” The former about pre-meditated murder, the later about extraterrestrial beings.

Me, I don’t worry about outer space. How do I know if there’s life on other planets? Me, I don’t worry about the after life. How the fuck do I know if there is one or isn’t? I’m more concerned about how hung-over I’ll be tomorrow.

I do know I believe in punk in this life and rock’n’roll. And beer. I believe in drinking that. And live music. I believe in enjoying that, one seeing that- and people doing what they want to do and people being who they want to be. And, of course, good table manners.

It seems all very simple to me but somehow, in “real life,” it gets complicated and goes astray.

But here at The Midway I feel is where real life is really happening and exists.

So all that outside stuff, that headline stuff, that “real life” stuff-

Don’t mean much to me.

I guess, you can guess what does.

Shows like this.


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