Monday May 6th 2024

Il Mostro / Wrought Iron Hex / Mollusk


Il Mostro / Wrought Iron Hex / Mollusk
Midway Cafe, Jamaica Plain, MA     4/7/18


I’m at the Midway, per usual, only diff-a-rinse being it’s at night. So though I don’t have a coffee for myself I do bring refreshments for the crew. (Though forgetting there’s two soundmen/doormen at night- sorry, Dylan.)

I think I’m here to see a metal show but I’m about to find out- I’ve been deceived.

Every band tonight has elements of metal in them but to describe anyone of them as strictly, metal would not be concise.

And as my mother always says, “If you can’t say something concise about somebody, you might as well say something about The Fall,” or something similar to that.

Mollusk is the first band tonight and, much to my chagrin, I notice they’re a duo. (Guitar and drums.)

I, generally, despise duo’s with every fiber of my being- maybe brought on by- The White Stripes but probably goes back to the sappy duo’s of the seventies like Seals & Croft, Loggins & Messina, Captain & Tenille- though, Hall & Oates are okay.

But tonight I might be changing my mind.

That’s because Mollusk- who describe themselves as “stoner doom,” – oh, oh- stoner is a genre I generally despise with every- well, even more than duo’s!

But hold on to your hats- they seem to me more sludge/doom with fuzzy guitar (there’s loads of foot pedals,) and echo-y vocals where they both sing, often in unison.

The music is heavy and intense but never falls back towards traditional metal, but instead exists as mostly instrumental music that is honest, foreboding and of substance. I would, also, claim, them to be arty in a good way.

And I can see from the crowd response, that they like them as much as me. They play an excellent opening set.

Wrought Iron Hex is next led by Jason on guitar and vocals, Brian on bass and Jose on drums. They kick off with a great, upbeat number and produce a set that is rockin’, hard and intense.

And Jason is a big supporter of local music, and when I say that, I don’t want to infer that he’s fat- more like he puts a lot of time and effort into promoting, metal orientated, local shows. And though, I feel that none of that should be held against him- to me, he is both phat and sick.

This band describes themselves as heavy rock and yes, there is no evidence of any new heavy metal influences here such as grindcore, death metal or doom.

But if you want to hear some energetic songs with music that draws upon the whole spectrum of heavy, loud rock- along with vocals that remind me of Rob Zombie, at times- than this is the band for you.

Il Mostro is the last band to play tonight. I recognize Johnny Machine as being the lead singer from the fun, traditional metal band- The Humanoids, but here he plays guitar and sings back up vocals. The singer, Mike, appears to be over six feet tall and sings in a high, passionate voice.

This band describes themselves more as punk than metal, though, I do recall seeing their name more on metal lineups.

But I feel this band is really just a high energy rock band. They have a killer rhythm section with a drummer who looks like he should be playing in a nerdy indi rock band but instead kicks mighty ass here.

Il Mostro reminds me the most of Iggy & The Stooges, around the “Fun House” days, and that is high praise indeed. But this is also, rock that hints at the wildness of punk with the power of metal.

The singer introduces a new song, “This song should play as smooth as glass.” he promises, “Without a hitch.”

That may not have happened but what does happen is a set of some great, not easily categorized- loud and heavy music.

Off World was supposed to headline tonight but dropped off, I saw them once before. They’re a space rock band which I do enjoy. This is a genre that existed, underground, mostly in the seventies and eighties. I fear that younger folks reading this might have no clue what I’m referring to.

At that time, that was supposed to be futuristic music and all, that synthesizers were going to completely replace guitars.

But I still see, that synthesizers and machines haven’t completely taken over the music world- unless you’re talking the world of pop. We still have plenty of guitar driven music- whether it be in indi, country, punk or metal. And I don’t see that changing, anytime soon.

I’m talking to Dylan, the soundman, and he mentions he’s from Texas and I ask where? He replies “San Antonio,” and has lots of good things to say about the town.

I have to laugh because my best and longest- no, not in height, silly- female friend, Beverly, lives there now. I’ve known her for about thirty five years as a friend. She is, and will be, my best female relationship of my life.

And I tell him, also, I noticed on my Toasty Cheez-Its box today that is said, “Win A Free Trip To San Antonio.”

He tells me to go live there.

“It’s a sign, man” he laughs, “It’s a sign.”

I’ve found that life has individual roads we travel on, though we think we have some choice of where our destination is. But what I really believe is that we get off at a stop that is divined.

I’m here at the Midway.


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