Thursday May 2nd 2024

Crimespree / Oxblood Forge / Straight Eights


Crimespree / Oxblood Forge / Straight Eights
Maxx’s Hideout, Brockton, MA      4/9/17


Samm Gunn here.

Yes, I know you’re probably used to reading the drooling, imbecilic pabulum that Slimehog “writes” or scribbles weekly or “weakly.”

I’m a private eye, got no time for the nonsense these TNB knuckleheads subscribe to. And usually, really, I have no time for them.

That is unless, business is slow, bills are high and I get a call. Like it is and like I do, today.

So why am I here? Sorry, no philosophical treatise is forthcoming, as you’re most likely aware- Andy Bang is serving time in a Kentucky correctional institution, taking the rap for TNB’s crimes against facebook. And Scumhog, who really caused that matter, is away in Washington, D.C. answering questions from congress about TNB’s ties with Russia.

Which I’m sure he’s innocent of and most likely he will be absolved. No country is koo-koo enough to deal with these loonies. Just like no other private eye is as unlucky or hard up to take this job.

When I mentioned to someone I was going to see Crimespree in Brockton they replied, “Hmm, that makes sense.”

I investigate how this club was once known as Max’s Blues Club. And looking around a see a few bikers about. This show is a benefit for someone known as Joe Brooks, who I never figure out who that is, but I’m thinking he could be a fellow from that crowd.

But what I mostly observe today are black t-shirted individuals who are metal heads along with a sprinkling of rainbow colored haired punks along with the older regulars. It’s a good mix of young and old. And a very good atmosphere created by every one attending.

Straight Eights are the first band to play. Scumbag describes them as a “trio that plays rock’n’roll punk or punk’n’roll.” And I’m hearing that sound quite well as they start with a rockin’ little number with a lot of punk , “Can’t Hold On.”

I’m also hearing the singer sounding a bit like The Lost City Riots/ The Ratz singer, Jeffrey Thunders. Maybe not as hysterical and intense but still a great vocalist to be compared to.

They play a Buzzcocks cover “Boredom” which leaves me anything but and end with a Twisted Sister’s cover “Shoot “Em Down” which I think is just dandy, but I guess that word is not hep anymore.

Let’s leave it with the Straight Eights are the cat’s pajamas and I only hang around with crazy, little mamas.

Oxblood Forge are the next combo to take the stage. Slumdog describes them as, “traditional metal but still keeping the best of that tradition metal moving forward.” Of course, if he was here, I would encourage him to keep moving forwards with a bum rush right out the front door!

But not because of this band. This is solid, old school metal and the singer is top notch in how he can sing in a growly, death metal voice or a smooth, more melodic one- sometimes in the same song.

The second tune they play, “Inferno” exudes a nice Sabbath like feel.

I know headbanging Andy might find these guys too tame for his modern metal taste, but I certainly enjoyed the magnificent metal that they play today.

A couple of metal bands play next. Investigating them I find out they describe themselves with terms like post-hardcore and melodic metal. I know the TNB degenerates are too deranged to like those kind of more mainstream bands. And I have a little cutie I know on the other side of town. I take a break, to smoke a cigarette and when I return Crimespree is about to perform. (Don’t mention this to the TNB boys or they’ll dock my pay if they know I skipped out. I know for a fact they don’t read my reviews.)

I’ve investigated these Crimespree boys and though, with a name like that you’d think you should keep looking over your shoulder, that only crime I can see them breaking is having too much of a good time.

I’ve read the terms high-energy punk, hardcore, thrash, a mix of punk and metal used to describe them. I think all those terms fit but the most definitive would be hardcore/thrash.

And with their metal influenced hardcore music I can see why Andy Bang is such a big fan of them. With Scumdog, you never know with him, I figure him getting more excited about a Spice Girls reunion.

So it’s the end of the day, or the beginning of the night. I grab my long coat and fedora hat and prepare to step out into the city night. A night filled with neon signs and promises of excitement and possibly illicit sin along with the dark shadows that portend danger and terror, lurking around the corner and in the alley ways.

The night- where the adventurous, hard working folks come out to play while the scurrilous criminals come out to prey upon them.

And you just have to keep yourself, make sure you stay, on the right side of the street.

(Samm Gunn)

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